Hak Ja Han
February 23, 2018
Opening ceremony for the 24th International Conference on the Unity of the Sciences
I know that you must be curious about me. As I have said to all leaders of the world and to all Family Federation members, we must know God properly. I am saying that we can find the path for us to solve all the problems that are occurring in the world today and the solutions to these when we properly know God, who is the origin of the universe. Apart from religion, I will explain how to realize a peaceful kingdom of heaven on earth where you can attend God, the Creator, in your family, in your nation, and in the world.
Today the entire world is feeling prosperous due to the development of civilization and the development of science. On the other hand, there are many problems. I see that at this time we especially need the efforts of scientists. When God created all things, he created those in the mineral kingdom, the plant kingdom, the animal kingdom as plus and minus, stamen and pistil, male and female, until he created a man and a woman who would become the first good ancestor. In that case, God's essence too, is not just a Heavenly Father, but a Heavenly Father and Mother.
God gave human beings responsibilities and gave them time, a growth period, to work toward perfection. However, Adam and Eve, who could have become the ancestors of humankind, could not unite with God during the growth period. They looked toward themselves. They became greedy. They formed greed and thought, I can become just like God.
That became today's fallen world with no connection to God. That is why humankind's original nature desires to return to Heaven. Therefore, globally, four major religions formed. Yet, those religions too, to be precise, did not know God. God wished to come as the true parent, a visible God that could become the ancestor of humankind and embrace humankind. That is Heavenly Parent's, God's, dream. In order to realize that dream, God set up the principles of creation so humankind could cooperate with him. The world of all created things, which did not fall, circulates well according to the principles of creation.
However, due to ignorant human beings and their greed, that nature is being destroyed is true. God could not just wait. Therefore, the work of finding the True Parents, who could become humankind's ancestors, had not fallen and were victorious, is what Christians call "Messianism." Why do we need a Messiah? Fallen humankind cannot go directly into God's presence. Through the messiah, we must be reborn and resurrected. If we are not reborn, we cannot become God's children. Therefore, Heaven's providence had to become the lonely and miserable providence of restoration through indemnity. That took a period of six thousand years. How difficult must that path have been that it took six thousand years? This cannot all be explained from a religious perspective.
Yet, centered on Korea, here in this nation, the only daughter and only son of God were found and Heaven blessed them so they could go forward as the True Parents. Therefore, through the blessed families who have been reborn through True Parents, the foundation is expanding.
I wish to tell you that the providence of informing the 7.5 billion people of the world about True Parents is actively progressing. When we look at the realities of today, we feel there is no hope. There are religious conflicts, racial conflicts, land conflicts, ideological conflicts and in all respects we are going down a path that does not lead to unity. Around two hundred nations are a part of the UN. Yet, even the nations that are a part of the UN only think first of the benefit to their own country, so they cannot unite. This is the mistaken reality of today.
How can we solve this problem? The only answer here is to meet the True Parents, who had been lost to humankind. All nations in the world can become brothers and sisters in front of True Parents. They can become God's sons or daughters. If that happens, when the parents say, "Shouldn't we solve this problem like this?" the children of the world will say, "That is right. That is the answer we have been waiting for." It will become like that.
Earlier I said that the world is deteriorating greatly due to humankind's ignorance. This is the truth. Even until a few years ago, we did not know that pollution was this serious. Because the development of science has been leaning in one direction, it is being used incorrectly to create destructive power.
In summary, there is no future for humankind or future for the planet. You do not wish for this. Originally, God had a dream. He created this beautiful planet and placed humankind at its center. We cannot allow God's dream to be ruined due to humankind's mistakes. Therefore, I am doing many things worldwide. I am the only daughter of God, the mother of the universe! I cannot stand back and watch these wrongdoings. While I am on earth, as much as possible, I wish to give hope through the path to return to the healthy earth and the healthy humankind God originally created.
Your responsibility is important. I would like to give the example of a monarch butterfly. They are small, only about three centimeters long. How can they annually fly with such small wing movements all the way from Canada to Mexico? Who told them to go in that direction? These butterflies will go through many difficulties to go from Canada to Mexico. They will have to make many sacrifices. Yet they will go.
What point is there for poison, which is unnecessary for people? In small amounts, it can become medicine. However, Heaven also gave us the way to counteract these poisons. I am telling you this because I wanted you to know that Heaven has given us the methods to correct distortions through the development of science. Your efforts and hard work are the hope for the future and for humankind. It will become the joy of all created things and through your effort, which will return joy, delight, and glory to God, our Creator, a new age, a new history will unfold. In that sense, I ask for your active cooperation and effort.