What Is Clear Is That We Must Realize the Dream of Heavenly Parent

Hak Ja Han
November 23, 2017
Special Thanksgiving Banquet to Celebrate True Parents’ Victorious Rallies in Nagoya and Osaka
Cheon Jeong Gung
Transcription by Airenae Culvy of simultaneous translation of live broadcast



Special Directive for the Mother Nation of Japan:

All members must pay the historical indemnity for past mistakes, by practicing true love, living for sake of others

By going beyond just the nation of Japan or Asia but living for sake of the world. The second and third generation as youth leaders must practice this, ready to go anywhere and live for the sake of the world...

By offering absolute jeong seung... Respected and beloved leaders, we cannot return to the past, but our True Parents have shown us that, if we follow the restoration of indemnity, we can atone for past mistakes, and all of Japan's past history will be restored. Particularly for the sake of our 2nd and 3rd generation, we need to atone for all mistakes; and so that we can establish the providential victory for Japan, which is One Family Under True Parents

Our respected Leaders of Cheon Il Guk,

Today, we have united whole-heartedly and are willing to risk our lives for the standard that Mother described. We must practice all of these Words, all the guidance and love True Mother has given us (Please give rousing applause for True Parents)

In the third week, it is the month of the family in Japan, also the 2nd and 4th week period when family is emphasized but during the festivals, they were also centered on the family... October 18 was the 55th Anniversary of the Japanese Movement and more than three years after that the rally... 2,000 youth and students... It was the 10th Anniversary of the Family Festival, the very successful Events. More than one hundred thousand five hundred...morning prayer sessions were held... 150th rally in Japan 11th in Osaka alone... First time for Mother to give this kind of rally but also the 11th rally... 150th rally in Japan 3,800 new members and 1,500 youth and students...

Through the Nagoya and Osaka

1. Infinite potential and hope centering on True Parents and even though we hosted the rally to be on a week day, more than 10,000 people came because we united with True Mother/True Parents; and, I believe that with absolute faith and unity with True Mother, we can bring about such miracles...

In this situation, it was three times harder to mobilize people but even then the people came in droves (It is exciting and wonderful hope that) We can pay off indemnity of the past and lay the groundwork to open the new era.

Countless members shed blood, sweat and tears; and now (in this time) True Mother (through often painful conditions of Her own) could come and open a new era of peace and pay off the bloody and painful past...


Before the rally we had a Chung Pyung Great Works Session and were able to expand the realm of victory of elder son and enter the parentship level... Japan has been going through the different levels of sovereignty, the adopted son to elder son and now is victorious in restoring the right of the elder son and in the right of parents. These events have been showing the values, strength and hope alive in the Unification Movement (for all to witness).

With the victory of the rallies in the United States at Yankee Stadium and Madison Square Garden...then there is foundation that, around the world, there can be victory.

All of the second and third generation pledged that they will take the lead and (it was seen) that they stayed (with great enthusiasm) from beginning to the very end of the rally.

One of the stadium attendants that I spoke to made a statement about what he witnessed, how the stadium was packed, filled to capacity even on a weekday and about the (powerful impact of the event):

I was profoundly surprised by this rally. Even on a weekday (all of this was mobilized) and so many came and so many young people.

I asked people around me 'Have you ever seen such an event with this stadium filled to the rafters to capacity?' and they said that there were not many events that really filled the stadium completely; and, by this they saw the power of the Unification Movement led by The True Father and True Mother; and, when they saw the passionate youth they could not help but bow in respect to the Blessed Families and their youth...generations... They saw how three generations had come together and worked together. The Family Federation Movement is truly beautiful; and, (they felt that) it is possible to establish peace through the family... and, as True Mother said, just as it took a long time for Christianity to be recognized, and it took so long for the only begotten Son and daughter to come... and when I saw the entertainment I was moved to tears and I look forward to receiving the good guidance in the future from (True Parents and the Family Federation Movement)...

We have been receiving tremendous Love and guidance of True Mother; and, (we want to make sure to continue in the way that) this is not just an event for the sake of an event but the starting point for the great growth and culmination... The driving force was True Mother and it (shows us again many times) that True Mother can give infinite, eternal hope to the Blessed Families, forgiving all the mistakes of the nation and opening a path to greater hope... There is now the restored right of the elder son; and, we can now move forward to restore the right of parents... She (True Mother) really gave the Blessed families and youth of generations new (and deep) hope and determination, (a strong) sense of mission and responsibility and desire for living for the sake of others on the world level... It is because of True Mother, It is True Mother. Isn't that so.

Through the victory of 20/20 we are marching forward. True Mother is leading us and, if we unite absolutely with True Mother, we will absolutely be victorious... Let us all rise and give a thunderous applause to our victorious True Mother and again Thank you very much... We shall march forward, run forward for Victory 20/20... Let us practice it every single day to realize the victory

Reung Young Chun and all leaders of Osaka…

Victory toast... Vice President of Family Federation... Our beloved only-begotten True Mother... She crossed four occasions, crossed Pacific three times and has been working day and night, so hard to make the great light into great darkness, great words of hope and guiding us tremendously... After the victories for the Unification of Korea and Osaka and Nagoya... During the Thanksgiving Day, many returned to their home to have family time for this tradition and to offer thanks and if we can uphold the true essence of this tradition... When I shout 'Victory for 20/20' you shout, ' Sungni, Sungni, Sungni '


Thank you very much

(40 minutes for luncheon)

Did you enjoy your delicious dinner... Let us give a big round of applause to True Mother for providing us this wonderful dinner...

What is the meaning of Thanksgiving?... We need to reach the high ground... Mother has been giving us so much and guiding us.

There have been one hundred and sixteen tribal messiah victors and we had more than 40 nations who launched IEPP... about 45 nations and 13 more soon...

True Mother hosted the world summit and we thought this was the end with the world summit but we will have more regional world summits and the Presidents have sent letters of gratitude... and many heads of states are coming paid for by the Senegal fund and now True Mother has asked us really to become the able UN...

We had the global rally with 400 religious leaders and in every region there were major religious leaders, many with congregations with more than half a million people and many with a pure heart embracing Mother's directive and we launched International Association of Peace and Development... Mother's Words were moving and there were many sincere testimonies...

Testimony ACLC Bishop Salange Louis who brought 12 religious leaders with her... After Father's Ascension we all prayed for True Mother and we had an explosion of grace in Madison Square Garden and Mother filled the hearts with love and historic teaching about Jesus and the Mother of Jesus and Joseph. Only True Mother can reveal these things; and, Your Love and sacrifices are bringing about the Heaven Kingdom, and we love and believe in You.

Mark Abernathy... Co-Chair of ACLC... In order to complete my tribal messiah mission, I have blessed more than 430 couples in my church and I remember the International Religious Conferences and now I believe in them... I know that through True Parents. Jesus has been completely freed.

I really proclaim that True Mother is the only-begotten Daughter and this is the Will of God. (Karen Holy) (She had a Blessing in the office of the Mayor of Dallas...) We received the Blessing and I have been lit with a fire for the sake of True Parents and True Mother, You have been victorious The Kingdom (and Queendom) of God is being realized; and, we cannot just believe only in Jesus. We know this clearly... True Mother, You really made our dream as Christians become a reality.. Many people opposed us in the beginning but Bishop Stallings and... encouraged us and we felt the Holy Spirit. We want to thank you profoundly...


From Africa, religious leaders, some with a congregation of more than 5,000. One said, 'Outside we hear some negative things, but I have witnessed the truth with my own eyes and True Mother, You are greater than any other saint... You are the True Mother. If I can meet You for a few seconds in my life, this will be the best. That I could attend this conference has been a great blessing, and I will tell of You.

I will launch ACLC in my country. You brought all the religious leaders together and You gave them the direction... (This is a Bishop of Kenya) I will follow You

Julius Malloit, big religious leader in South Africa... This is what South Africa has been waiting for so long... In particular I will teach and practice True Mother's teachings in our churches. I have more than 100 churches that I lead. I will educate pastors in my church.

A bishop... Today, I want to tell You True Mother, "We are going to Bless more people and we will proclaim that You are the only-begotten Mother."

So, amazing things are happening.. We brought 400 religious leaders... On Saturday, it was a Day of Sabbath and they could not even go on the elevator, but they said after being educated by True Parents... that they needed to attend and they will now put their energies together and promote True Parents.

One Swedish, said he would bless more than 2,000 people in his temple... One in Asia, but all of them wrote the only-begotten Daughter, the True Mother of humanity... If we look at it with our own eyes, it is just history but with the eyes of True Parents it is miraculous.

IAPP and IEPP... These two are working together to bring the springtime of the providence. Let us give big applause to True Mother

Testimony: Objective report by the media and also the reporters have testimonies..

Director of the Public Relations Office. Let us welcome him

Good Evening, I would like to give report about the recent media report.

Mother mentioned that the media needs to know about True Parents, and the only-begotten Daughter... I brought about 80 people to Japan to a workshop... Segei Times reporters and pastors gathers and we had 12 rallies and the reporters would always attend and had great interest... about 50 of them attended and reported... MBN NBC ST wrote glowing reports... Chugan weekly, monthly and daily newspapers wrote beautifully about Mother's leadership and words. Every time there is a report we have the two major news stations and they always put 5-10 photos and so many different media gave reports and we had more than 30 different newspapers report from the different regions of Korea and they did not just report, but received the Divine Principle education and are embodying the values of the True Parents...


One reporter was really moved by the hyo jeong (of the youth...) and by the leadership and charisma of our True Mother...

Before, I saw there was so many negative reports in the countryside, but I could see that they are not true and this is the opportunity for me to understand the reality. I believe we can go beyond religion and expand the great values around the world.

Even though Mother (True Mother/True Parents) is opposed, She is working for the sake of the nation and world and to solve many problems True Parents have so much vision and insight into economy, government, culture and sports... I will support Them wholeheartedly...

I heard it was a sect that does not believe in God, but, I see it has tremendous power and I hope it can grow even much more.. I attended without any thought, but I'm so grateful and will do my best to advertise around the world and if possible will cover the entire group...

When asked, 'What moved you most?' In the past I had no friends but the fact that Mother could say that is because She loves Japan and Korea...

One said 'There is a big problem' ' His wife goes to a Christian Church and because she said why do you go to a sect? I said, "I want to see what is going on (for myself)"... Now, I think that it is my wife going to a sect instead of me! '

In Incheon... Dr Hak Ja Han Moon proclaimed that the only-begotten Son and only-begotten Daughter have come. Can we have a special interview with the only-begotten Son and Daughter?

Many are agreeing with True Mother's leadership... I hope True Mother can be healthy... (I said 'Yes' (She will be healthy and young enough) How old is She? (True Mother)... I said the next 30 years will be no problem.

Director Ahn:

This is the time to hear mother's words / mother wants to speak to us at this moment

Let us welcome Mother (Applause and cheers)

(Mother is directed to a seat at the foot of the stage... and Mother says,


Hak Ja Han:

Why don't you give me a stage. I can speak while seated? (Applause)

(At the podium)

I need a stage so I can drink some water and lean a bit...

Everyone please be seated...

Today, in America, it is Thanksgiving Day. Thanksgiving began through the Puritan fathers and after harvesting 1 year's harvest, from all the crops they would cook a turkey and offer gratitude to Heaven. The family would gather and prepare for the next year. It was a day of gratitude, sharing and hope for the upcoming year. This is how Thanksgiving began.

These days it is very, I don't know if maybe it has fallen to be an irregular family gathering, but what is clear is that we must realize the dream of Heavenly Parents, the wish of humanity and work to realize this dream before True Parents. Before Heaven we must become filial sons and daughters, patriot saints and sages; however, when we see the history of restoration, it was too painful, salvation was too painful... Unless indemnity was paid, no progress could be made. That history has continued for 6,000 long Bilical years and Heaven endured all of these thousands of years waiting day after day.

Throughout this time, the wish of Heavenly Parent was and has always been to embrace all of humanity as beloved children and to all humanity Heaven sent The Precious and Blessed True Parents so that the opportunity to return to God could be realized. However, human beings failed to embrace that first opportunity; and, without any compass to guide them, humanity has remained in ignorance and darkness. What is the wish of all these vagabonds? It is... What is it? The wish of fallen humanity is to meet The True Owner; but humanity has not known where to go. Nothing has been clear.

Heaven has granted and also enabled the development of civilizations and religions and at the beginning all the religions said 'Let us lead virtuous, righteous lives and make efforts to grow closer to Heaven,' but they did not know the final destination. They did not have the answer, and it is still not very clear, but at least Christianity has defined (that they need to be) a relationship of God and humanity, as relationship of Father and child. But this is not the entire truth. Why should such a relationship be established? It is because the essence of such a parental relationship could not be explained. (They did not know) These days, I have titled my speeches 'The providential truth' and have share many things with you.

For 50 years, the Unification Church has developed, and God has toiled in order to restore fallen human beings. God laid the foundation so that his beloved children could meet the only-begotten Son and the only-begotten Daughter. God has to restore and find his children...

God toiled for 4,000 years to raise the people of Israel as the chosen people and the only-begotten son, Jesus Christ, was finally sent on this earth. However, the responsibility that he had to accomplish could not be fulfilled. Before he fulfilled his mission he was crucified and you can imagine the indemnity that the leaders, the central figures of that time had to pay. I am sure you are aware of the history of the indemnity.


The sin of killing ones parents, not just (on the level of) one family or one nation, but (killing the Parents Who are) The True Parents of all humanity. The cost of having killed the only-begotten son...

Even to this day, Christianity believes they are saved by virtue of the blood of the cross and believes in Mary as the holy mother. This is a zig zag philosophy that is not related to the truth. The environmental fairness or comprehensiveness of all of this theory is really just human thought. That is the history of the religion of Christianity;; and, Christians today believe that, since Jesus prophesied that he would come again, they are waiting (for Jesus to come down again from Heaven and claim them). However, Jesus said he would host The Holy Wedding of the Lamb. Can this be held if he comes on the clouds? Can it be held (like that)?

Until now, the Unification Movement, The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity, could not lay a foundation. That is why it has been speechless and just waiting. There was so many words and truths it should have revealed but could not do so. However, on the virtue of the Blessing and the indemnity conditions laid by True Parents, Blessed Families have emerged throughout the world, thanks to True Parents.

However all of you gathered here, you must reflect on this point: The birth of True Parents should have taken place at the national level. True Parents should have been born and welcomed by the entire nation, saying "True Parents are born! Let us rejoice! Let us sing hallelujah!" This is how it should have been; however, how did True Parents Birth begin? The eldest 36, 72, 124, 777 couples should all repent that they failed in their responsibility, the wish of Heavenly Parent and True Parents. Before the wish of Heaven and humanity and on the path that Father was to take, can you say that you fulfilled your responsibility?

Even when True Parents came, They could not be welcomed in glory and Father went to the spirit world. He could not be sent in glory... All of you! It is through Me the only-begotten Daughter, it is through Me that your failure to fulfill could be forgiven and now you have been given the opportunity to attone From 36 couples, every one of you must fulfill your mission as tribal messiah. If you do, the national level will be realized...

In Bible, it speaks of the evening and the morning, the first day. The new dawn has come that Korea can welcome. All of you need to consider yourself as leaders in charge and leaders of providential organizations in Korea, can you awaken from your slumber? That is why I, after completing the Osaka Rally, I proclaimed the Heavenly Osaka. It should become the city that attends God. Japan should become the nation that attends God. If that is the case, what about Korea. It is called 'the Homeland of The Providence.' What should Korea do?

Rev. Eu and all of you leaders of Korea, from today it is no longer the Korean Headquarters. Korean Headquarters is now a church. It will become the Heavenly Family Federation Headquarters; and the Headquarters will be in Chung Pyung and the Cheong Pa Dong Family Federation Church will be the current Headquarters Building.

All across the nation, all the Family Federation Churches must engage in Blessing activities day and night! Give new life... to this nation... All that received the Blessing, share it with tribes and families. Give new life! Your responsibility is to bless and save people. Every week you must bring 100 couples into each church. That is how we can awaken this nation and its people.


Until now I have paid (the indemnity) for Heavenly Parent and True Parents and Heaven has forgiven and Blessed you. (Now is the time to renew your devotion/determination for your own indemnity conditions so that now miraculous things can open up to happen by your determination). Do you understand? That is why in particular the second generation in Korea, every year, twice a year, every year twice a year, all of you and especially leaders and pastors should attend Chung Pyung and offer conditions and really cleanse yourselves... Do you understand?

In the beginning was the word.... It is the starting point needed with profound life of prayer and to pray for True Parents. Offer a lot of conditions, but not to offer devotion just as an individual. What is more important is for everyone to come together and make a condition for one particular purpose. Do you know one senior member said that every day for 27 years he went to the holy ground to pray every morning. I look at this kind of devotion conditions for why Japan is prospering: it is because of so much devotion. However, when I look at Korea, Korea is too barren. Please light up your spirit...

Therefore, we need the chairman of the committee (he stands up) to have the third and forth floor of that building become... Let us have a meeting (in that area) and make the Heaven Family Federation there... that building will be the field. You should be the man pastor. The doors need to never close because of the influx of people that never stops coming there to be Blessed. We need to show entire world not just the word but the practice of how to realize the victory of 2020. Show the people how this is done. Do you understand?

You must be... If you really are my true children, You must become filial sons and daughters of True Parents. What is filial piety? What is the wish of True Parents? I have taught you everything and shown you the way to be successful. Do you understand? Do you understand? This is my request This is my... The time has come. We cannot repeat the mistakes of the past. We must change. Do you understand? The goal of the Unification Movement is to be a Family Federation. You must Bless everyone and restore everyone to become the children of God.

Even in the video, the member of parliament sent family to Heaven...Adam and Eve could not; and, for the first time The True Parents, the True Family has come. We must fulfill our responsibility. Do you understand? I no long want to repeat myself...You were Blessed first... Are you going to fall behind African religious leaders?... I told you be bold and brave...

What is the main failing of Christianity? They did not know the only-begotten Daughter was meant to come.. and Even Islamic leaders say we want to attend You as our True Mother. The True Mother should be attended. They want to write on the Koran that the True Mother should be attended. Do you understand? Should I trust you once again? When shall I come to Fam Fed Kwon Ki Province. If I visit these provinces, what will happen?... Do you like it? For me to go to those provinces, you need to gather 10,000 people from one province, just like Japan. Japan did it. Why can Korea not do it? To do so there is not enough time... I give you 40 days and during this 40 days, you must offer jeong seong and turn around the church in Korea, centering on the True Mother. Unite as one, one organization as part of the unity of Korea, Japan and America. These countries must unite and become the example. This is my request (directly to you) to you (at such a time as this)

(Mother concludes Speech)



We need to reach the high ground and bless the Korean Peninsula as the Heavenly Korea.

Korean Headquarters (needs to stay) a roundtable with press and introduce True Parents. The weekly Chusan reported, the daily newspapers reported and we were really surprised how much coverage there was and how beautifully they covered the rally... (shows the photos and editorial coverage) This has not come out yet but is already available online re the Sun Hak World Cup Stadium Rally...

I was profoundly surprised by this rally. It was a weekday and so many came. and so many young people came. I asked people around me 'Have you ever seen such an event filled to the rafters to capacity and they said 'No, not many events filled the stadium completely; and, they saw the power of the Unification Movement, led by True Father and Mother. When the media person saw the passionate youth, they could not help but bow in respect to the Blessed Families and their generations... They saw where three generations came together and worked together and witnessed that the Family Federation Movement is truly beautiful and it is possible to establish more peace through the family... However, just as it took a long time for Christianity to be recognized, it took a time for the only-begotten Son and Daughter to come and then be recognized now. The people around me said, 'When I saw the entertainment, I was moved to tears and I look forward to personally receiving the education and good guidance directly from the Family Federation and True Parents in the future... '

We have received so much Love and Guidance from True Mother/True Parents; and, we need to have an event not just to have an event but for the starting point for the great growth and culmination... The driving force was True Mother and we see again many times that True Mother can give infinite, eternal hope to the Blessed Families, forgiving all the mistakes of the nation and opening a path to greater hope... There is now the restored right of elder son; and, we can now move forward to restore the right of parents... She (True Mother gave new hope and determination, deep sense of mission and responsibility and for living for the sake of others on the world level... It is from True Mother. Isn't that so?

Through the victory of 20/20 we are marching forward. True Mother is leading us and if we unite with True Mother, we will absolutely be victorious... Let us all rise and give a thunderous applause to our victorious True Mother... and again... Thank you very much... We shall march forward, run forward for Victory 20/20... Let us (maximize) practice every single day to realize the victory


(Mother asks Wonju san for the microphone, and says:)

Hak Ja Han:

All of you, the pure water team from Nagoya. You did extremely well. That is why I want to give you a special present to all of you... When you come to the complex all of you can buy up to $100 worth of items. I am going to pay for everything you buy there; so, buy what you need, return, be healthy, study hard, accomplish your goals, practice what you pledge to do."


Now everyone, time to exit the stage... Every time you sing, you cry. It is always automatic... Mother if you allow them, they will go and have some soup. I hope for free. Let us give another round of applause

Now the three cheers of Oak Monsei

Beloved leaders, On Nov. 11th our beloved True Mother in the world Cup Stadium She hosted the 80,000 Global Rally successfully concluded and came right away to Japan 10,000 rally in Nagoya and Osaka and led us to victory both occasions. Particularly 2,070 were centering on True Mother in Nagoya... this was the 12th and final large-scale rally in Japan and also in Japan, Father has spoken on many occasions and I checked how many and amazingly the Osaka was the 150th speaking rally with True Mother... applause rousing True Mother also... our beloved and True Mother, She led Osaka, not as a new but a heavenly Osaka... to be the heavenly Japan of citizens who attend and welcome God and True Parents... Therefore, we shall become the global citizens to attend Heavenly Parents and True Parents; and, also in 2018 we shall march forward for greater victories throughout the year

Let us have 4 cheers of Oak Monsei that in 2018 we will have more rallies in store for True Mother; and I already want to book True Mother for 2018. What do you think? Is it good?

Oek Monsei for Heavenly Parent!

Victory for True Parents!

Victory for the rallies and reservations for 2018, for the rallies that will take place in Japan and in Korea

All bow with all of our hearts to offer glory, gratitude and blessing to our True Mother

Thank you and have a save drive back home
