Who Is True Mother?

Hak Ja Han
December 4, 2016
Unofficial transcript of www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQwiNvKpG-4 by Airenae Culvy


All of you, are you second and third generations? Who am I? (Who is True Mother?) Who am I? "I am the only-begotten Daughter." (Applause)

Due to the fall of Adam and Eve, Heaven has had to endure a painful and difficult providence; and, through that providence Heaven has led the history of 'the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity.'

This was the painful and difficult path that Heaven could not help but follow.

In the beginning, God created heaven and earth and God created Adam and Eve lastly to become the ancestors of humanity, and said, "This is good. This is beautiful."

However, in particular to Adam and Eve, God gave a responsibility. That responsibility consisted of them going through a period of growth and become absolutely one with God. Adam and Eve should have grown in this way. That is why the position where Adam and Eve would receive the Blessing would be the position where God would become the True Parent of humankind. That is the purpose behind God's creation of heaven and earth. That was God's dream.

Adam and Eve had a responsibility; but unfortunately, as it is written in the Bible that maybe they fell through the temptation of Satan, nonetheless, what happened was that Adam and Eve allowed selfcentered desire, self-centeredness, to take over.

It is the same with you as Blessed children of second and third generation of Blessed families, your essence is True Parents. What if you go away from True Parents? You cannot go away from True Parents. Outside of True Parents there is no value to your existence. Do you understand?

Even all of you who have been Blessed, as Blessed children you have a responsibility. That responsibility consists of becoming perfected human beings to receive the Blessing.

Until you grow to reach that level, of course you should listen to the words of your parents; but, more importantly, you must become absolutely one with True Parents wherever you may be. Whether you are studying, whether you are developing your talents and abilities, you should always think this way, "I am doing this such-and-such; and, I would like to offer this to True Parents. I would like this to be for True Parents. What do True Parents wish of me? Is this what True Parents like me to do? If True Parents want this, I will take responsibility for this area and be victorious and successful for True Parents." That kind of desire, that kind of mission is good.

However, if you allow self-centeredness, self-centeredness leads to anger. Do you understand? Remember that. Do you understand?

For fallen human beings, fallen human beings greatest wish is to meet the True Parents, to be saved by True Parents. That is the greatest wish of fallen human beings, whether they are aware of the providence or not. They want to stand in this position of absolute unity with the True Owner. Fallen human beings have waited for that True Owner; and, this is the same everywhere around the world.

We can see through the development of the four major religions that God has developed this providence; and, we can say that Christianity played a central role in this providence. Why? Christianity could not fully explain God; but, because Christians believed in God as their Father.


Originally, God created heaven and earth; and, the purpose of creation was to become the Parent of humanity. Even though Christianity cannot fully explain the Parent/child relationship, Christianity sees God as the Father. However, in the grand scheme of God's creation, beginning with the smallest protoplasm all the way to human beings, God created everything in pairs and also created human beings in pairs. If that is the case, God is the Heavenly Parent. It is not just the single Heavenly Father alone. Isn't that so?

So, when we look at the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity, in the fallen satanic world at least the chosen people, the people who had the messianic ideology, God worked through those people and has developed the history of the providence of restoration through indemnity, beginning with the individual, the family, the tribe and the nation.

Therefore, that process of reaching the nation was so painful and arduous that it took 4,000 Biblical years. How painful must this providence have been that it took so long. America is about 240 years old, isn't it? God, in the fallen world, sent His only-begotten son, whom He called 'My son.' It took 4,000 Biblical years for God to send His only-begotten son. This is truly unbelievable pain from God's perspective.

However, Mary who gave birth to Jesus did not understand the providence. She did not understand how it came that she gave birth to Jesus; and, she created the result and outcome that led to Jesus' birth not fulfilling its purpose. It is the same with Zachariah's family. Joseph's family, the Jewish people of Israel, all of them waited and yearned, asked God to send them the Messiah; and, Heaven kept its promise.

Heaven sent the Messiah; but, the people could not attend the Messiah properly. Their mentality was that a strong commander would come with fire and brimstone to overturn the entire fallen world, conquer all the other places outside of Israel and stand as the grand commander. Maybe that is what they expected of the Messiah; but, that is not the mission of the Messiah.

The history of the providence of restoration through indemnity is so complex, difficult. Why did God who is almighty, omnipotent and can act as He wishes, let go of Adam and Eve? Why? It may have been easier if God just made a fresh start; but why did He persist in saving human beings? God cannot be a failure. Failure cannot exist in God's dictionary. However, God gave a special love to human beings; and, that love is the human portion of responsibility.

Therefore, the people in the vicinity of Jesus, people entrusted with protecting Jesus, could not develop the proper protective environment for Jesus. Mary failed in her responsibility. However, today in the Catholic Church, Mary is considered a holy mother. Jesus is portrayed as hanging on the cross. For 2,000 years Jesus has been portrayed as hanging on the cross. How is it possible that God prepared for 4,000 years to send the only-begotten son, how is it possible that Jesus could not live 100 years on this earth and at the young age of 33 had to be crucified on the cross? Do you consider this salvation?

I believe this is really a testament to human ignorance. God has had to endure so much pain and suffering yet prepare for the future and try again; and, through 2,000 years of Christian history, God has worked to develop the providence. Unfortunately, Christianity still does not fully understand God. It is a very external understanding of God. They see God as the Father; and, they consider themselves to be servants of the Lord. They consider themselves to be servants. They do not understand the essence of their relationship with God.


Why is the returning Messiah so important. Why are we waiting for the return of the Messiah? Christians are ignorant of this truth. They think that one day, overnight, the world will change and a new world will appear overnight, this kind of fantasy-like thinking, not rooted in logic. This does not agree with actual order. In other words, ignorance, complete ignorance. Christians have been ignorant of God's providence.

The 2,000-year history of the providence centering on Christianity, from God's point of view this 2,000- year history has been the providence to find the only-begotten Daughter. You need to fully understand this point. As Jesus laid on the cross, he promised to come again. Why would he come again? It is to host the Marriage of The Lamb. To host the marriage you need the Bride, isn't it (true)?

Jesus gave the Message, the Word, so that everyone could fully understand. Nonetheless, Christians ... How can I say it? They are blind: they have been blind to Jesus' Message. That is why, before the returning Messiah, there must absolutely be a Person; and, that Person is the only-begotten Daughter. That is, it is Me Who is standing right here in front of you! (Applause) (Mother's look is that, simply, she knows who she irrevocably is...)

So, I would like to explain this to you through historical facts and also historical records. God has led the history of the providence of restoration and also has appointed central figures throughout this providence. Every time God has appointed central figures; because, as human beings, human beings with their limited understanding cannot fully explain God. That is why God has appointed central figures who could explain better Who God ,was; and, if the central figure fails in his or her responsibility, God would forgive but not use or work through that person again.

The person who failed in their responsibility must pay indemnity. It is the same for the nation. The people of Israel sent Jesus to the cross; and, the moment Jesus was crucified, the value of the nation was lost. You need to understand that.

Even today, in American streets, you can see people, for example, Jewish believers dressed in orthodox clothes walking in the streets. For 2,000 years they have lived without a particular nation. Also, how is it possible that during World War II and because of Hitler of Germany, 6 million Jews were mercilessly massacred. This was such a terrible, unimaginable crime. However, why did this happen. The Jewish people do not understand. Why did Heaven allow such a heinous crime to happen?

The God of humanity has worked for 4,000 Biblical years, gone through so many pains to send the onlybegotten son, Jesus, so that Jesus could meet the only-begotten Daughter; and, through Jesus Christ becoming True Parents, God would become the True Parent of humanity. However, the people of Israel failed to understand this providence. Therefore, in other words, they allowed Jesus who was to become the True Parent to go on the cross. What a great sin this was. Do you understand? Do you understand?

Heaven waits for a particular moment; and, Heaven has endured so many, unimaginable difficulties. At that time, during the time of Jesus, the Roman Empire was such a great empire to the extent that people said, "All roads lead to Rome." The situation of Rome at the time was that, if Jesus could stand and be recognized as the True Parent, then absorbing the entire foundation of Rome, Rome would have to accept Jesus as the True Parent.


That was the providence that had been prepared. If that had happened 2,000 years ago centering on Jesus, one world centered on God, the Kingdom of God on the earth would have been realized. However, the Jewish people became responsible for frustrating this providence; so, you can imagine that the indemnity that they had to pay was extremely great. This was a historical fact.

Please give me a round of applause. (Mother sips some water)

As I mentioned before, people who were central figures have a responsibility. If they fail in their responsibility, the indemnity to be paid is great. It is the same for the nation. That is why at that time, the only-begotten Daughter could not be found at the time of Jesus. The foundation to give birth to the onlybegotten Daughter had to be restored by Heaven; and, that is why God could no longer work through the Jewish people of Israel and looked for a different people.

Also, around that time in Asia, there were people of righteousness, in the East. God selects the people ... He looked for the most righteous people, even among fallen human beings; and, at that time there was a kingdom of Han in the East. Approximately between 400 and 800 AD, this righteous people prospered in current China. This people revered Heaven: they worshiped Heaven and they developed extraordinarily advanced astronomy. That is why they were not a nomadic people. They developed agriculture. They were an agricultural people. They were the chosen people; and, through them, the people of this Han kingdom, they loved white clothes. Every time they would pray and offer devotion, they would always dress in white, bow to Heaven and revere, worship Heaven.

Those people of Han, those people existed; and, at that time in China there were many other kingdoms. Eventually, since the kingdom of Han did not like fighting, they always tried to avoid fighting and would flee from one place to another until they reached the Korean peninsula, and they are the people who are today's Korea. (Applause)

Korea, when you look at the history of Korea, people say it has a 5,000-year history. If you look at the history of Korea, there was a kingdom called 'Gogoryeo' which vanquished many of its Chinese kingdoms. That kingdom of Gogoryeo endured for a millennia, about a thousand years; however, after the downfall of the Gogoryeo kingdom, the next kingdom to rise was Goryeo. They used to 'go' character from 'Gogoryeo' and named themselves 'Goryeo.' This Goryeo kingdom, after its downfall, a King Yi chose the name 'Joseon' for the new kingdom.

, in Korea and among the earliest kingdoms in Korea we had Gojoseon; and, using the 'joseon' from 'Gojoseon,' the king used this to name his kingdom; and, this kingdom of Joseon was unfortunately, was under ... it was the kingdom that was in Japanese occupation for 40 years.

At that time in Korea in 1945, Korea was liberated. I was born in 1943. It was only a few centuries since Christian culture had come to Korea. However, among the Christian believers, there were many who did not believe that the Messiah would come on the clouds. Many believed that the Messiah would be born through a woman, be born in the flesh. There were many spiritual groups that believed that the Messiah would be born on earth.

Among these spiritual groups, there were formation-level groups, growth-level spiritual groups and completion-level spiritual groups. One of the leaders of these spiritual groups testified to me. He revealed who I was.


When I was born, Satan knew who I was and tried to kill me. Why? Because of My birth, Satan's dominion over the world would be completely ended. That is why Satan resolved to kill me. From Heaven's point of view, this was unacceptable; and, I fought with Satan and was victorious. That is why, today, I stand before you. (Applause)

Now, following the downfall of the kingdom of Joseon, Korea was liberated; but, why is Korea called 'Daehanminguk,' which means 'The Great Kingdom of Han?' I am also ... That family name is 'Han.' It is the same 'Han' when you say, 'Daehanminguk,' which is the Korean name for Korea. That 'han' in 'Daehanminguk' is the same name as my family name 'Han.' Isn't this interesting? The Great Republic of Han ... because of the protection of God, they, The Great Republic of Korea, Monsei.

Now, with the liberation of Korea, Korea became divided into communist North and democratic South. Communism and democracy have been in conflict ever since; and, communism which developed within the Christian sphere, claims that God is dead and I was born in North Korea, way above the 38th parallel.

At that time, I lived in North Korea; however, from God's point of view, if I stay in North Korea, it would be dangerous. My life would be at risk. I could even die; and, if that were to happen, God's providence, which has been waiting for the only-begotten Daughter for 6,000, if the only-begotten Daughter is dead, even if the returning Messiah comes, they cannot form the True Parents.

That is why God worked to help me escape. My maternal uncle studied pharmacology at Waseda University. After he finished his studies he should have returned to his hometown; but, he chose to go to the South and join the South Korean military.

Therefore, when my family received this news, in our family, people believed that Pyeongyang would become the 'palace of Eden'...and at that time, there was a lot of Holy Spirit phenomena happening in Pyeongyang. No one wanted to leave Pyeongyang because it would become the 'palace of Eden.' However, because my maternal uncle joined the military in South Korea, only three ladies: my grandmother, my mother and I, the three of us, only the three of us, we left North Korea and went to South Korea. It means God worked to help us leave North Korea and come to South Korea. Two years after we left North Korea, the Korean War erupted.

So, listening to the story of My Life and looking at this background, I am the only person born with this background. Do you understand? Now, how great and important is the value of the only-begotten Daughter? There are still Blessed families who do not understand the value of the only-begotten Daughter. This is regretful.

Furthermore, in particular, you who stand here today, you need to know the truth. I hope that you can stand and become central figures; and, in order for you to fulfill your responsibility you need to unite completely with True Parents, unite with me. Do you understand?

So, you have such a beautiful future ahead of you. You have the potential to greatly contribute to the providence. You can become outstanding leaders and outstanding people of talent. You have time. You have more time compared to first generations, isn't it? Isn't that so? Therefore, I hope that you can grow properly.

In the past, Adam and Eve did not overcome the temptation of Satan. You should not allow the sweet temptations of Satan to overcome you. True Parents have changed human history. Therefore, your responsibility consists of restoring this nation. We have still not restored this nation. I hope that you can stand at the center, become the central figures that can expand this environment so that this nation can return to Heaven and receive the Blessings of Heaven, to become a Blessed nation. You can create that nation. Will you do that responsibility? (Yes!)

So, all of you are truly Blessed. You have the strong backing of Heaven. There is nothing you need to be afraid of. In the history of the providence, you know this truth and you need to reveal this truth. Do not keep this truth to yourselves.

Please, in this world, there are 7.3 billion people around the world, and, I have even heard that there are 7.4 billion people around the world. Human population is increasing exponentially; and, it is important to tell everyone that True Parents are on this earth. If they do not know this and ascend to the spirit world, if they understand that True Parents were on this earth, how resentful, how sorrowful, how much will they regret and also be angry against you? Please take this point seriously.

Through you, I hope that many new lives can be saved. That because you are not sharing the good news, many people do not know that True Parents are on this earth; and, they cannot see True Parents and come to True Parents. Have you thought about this?

Looking at today's world, it is difficult to see any hope. Even in America, there are so many challenges laying ahead. In particular, the world's super powers place their national interests first. They are filled with individualism and selfishness. God does not want that. God wishes to realize One Family Under God. God wishes to realize one united family; but, there are nations that are going contrary to God's Will. Super powers like America, Russia, China, Europe. These nations are filled with self-centered individualism. You cannot find God in the midst of self-centeredness. Do you understand?

Your pride is True Parents; and, you received the Blessing from True Parents. That is your pride. If you grow up well, properly, during the Aloha Workshop, I told that you are all the pure water, isn't it? You are pure water. You are the truly pure water with no pollution. You should rule as this pure water. Do you understand? Through you, we need to purify this world. Please, you stand in this position of 'Owner.' You stand in the position pf the person in charge. You stand in the proud position.

For the first time in 6,000 years, the only-begotten Daughter, The True Parents are on this earth and you met The True Parents very closely. You heard Their Message and you received the Love of True Parents directly. Please do not keep it for yourselves. Do you understand? The more you share your Blessing, the more you expand your Blessings, the better. Do you understand?

Please, you are the young people. I would like to hear louder response. (much louder more enthusiastic response and Mother smiles) Do you understand? That is how you are alive. Be loud. Will you do that? (louder applause cheers)