You are rich in the heart of true love

Hak Ja Han
December 1, 2014
Hoon Dok Hae
Cheon Cheong Gung


On 10.10 by the heavenly calendar in the 2nd year of Cheon Il Guk (Dec. 1st), True Parents hosted more than 500 heads of providential organizations, staff members, regional leaders and members for the early morning Hoon Dok Hae.


Rev. Kyeong Seuk Lu was the MC for the Hoon Dok Hae and the program was as follows: Opening Holy Song, bow to True Parents, proclaiming the beginning of the Hoon Dok Hae, report to heaven by the Foundation Director, Jeong Soon Jo, Hoon Dok reading by Mrs. Won Ju Jung, testimonies and reports by Dr. Man Ho Kim, secretary-general for FFPWUI HQ, Rev. Jung Ho Park, regional director for the Daejon region, Rev. Byung Yoon Moon and the performance by the witnessing team centering on Mr. Ho Sung Na. Then, participants viewed a video retracing True Parents' achievements over the past year and representatives presented gifts to True Parents. True Mother spoke to those assembled, Rev. Byung Ho Son led the cheers of Oek-mansei and the members offered a bow to True Mother before her exit.


Dr. Man Ho Kim, the secretary-general for the FFWPUI HQ gave a special report about his recent visit to Europe, including Albania and Romania. In his report, Dr. Kim emphasized the sincere and selfless sacrifices members in those nations are making to bring about the success of Vision 2020. The members' determination and Dr. Kim's testimony inspired everyone present.


During her speech, True Mother mentioned, "You are blessed people. You are happy people. You are rich, not in terms of money, but rich in the heart of true love. You are and have everything fallen people aspired to be and have. During this short life on earth, even if it is painful, please aspire to live public lives, not self-centered ones." True Mother then added, "Now is the time to renew your dedication. As the children of the Heavenly Parent and True Parents, you need to be confident before the world. Heaven enabled the development of civilizations so that blessed families like you could arise. You must be proud of yourselves and confidently speak about True Parents to the entire world."

True Mother then concluded, "You must live according to the words of True Parents. If you do so, you will be free when you go to the spirit world. You will find eternal happiness there. You must put the Word into practice to be able to live such a life in the spirit world."


After True Mother's speech, members shared gifts among each other, and in the afternoon the event concluded with the end of the year Yute game for unity among members, as True Mother requested.