Hak Ja Han
September 12, 2015
Severe Tropical Storm Etau flooded the Ibaraki and Tochigi prefectures, both near Tokyo, with more than 600 millimeters [almost 24 inches] of heavy rains. Several buildings were flooded and sustained heavy damage; 170,000 people had to be evacuated due to the floods and the ensuing landslides. Heavy rains are flooding the northern parts of Japan, and more damage is expected. The Family Federation for World Peace (FFWPU) and Women’s Federation for World Peace (WFWP) must evaluate the situation and provide support.
In 2013, heavy flooding on the Italian island of Sardinia resulted in 18 casualties and more than 800 displaced people. All around the world, casualties are rising due to natural disasters such as typhoons and floods. All these disasters are related to the rising sea levels caused by global warming. The world’s oceans are not healthy; we can see the increasing numbers of typhoons and floods causing damage. During his lifetime, True Father was deeply concerned about the severity of climate change and strove to find solutions to the issue. To uphold True Father’s Will, the Sunhak Peace Prize selected President Anote Tong of Kiribati as its first laureate. President Tong has worked to alert the global community and find solutions to the severe problem of climate change.
The 2015 Sunhak Peace Prize emphasized environmental impact. Laureate Anote Tong has worked to alert the global community and find solutions to the severe problem of climate change.
There will be more damage caused by climate change around the world. The way to prevent such damage is to properly know the truth, attend True Parents as the center and move in unison toward the same direction. It just so happened that the nation damaged by floods this time was Japan, a major nation in the Pacific Rim which has a providentially important mission as the central nation in the Federation of Island Nations. As we could see in the musical performed during the Third Seonghwa Memorial, True Parents have tremendous love, both practical and substantial, for the nation of Japan. When Japan follows the Will of True Parents and, centering on FFWPU, seeks to benefit the whole rather than its national interests, the problems will be solved. This is the only way to life.
From now on, the Korean Segye Ilbo, the Japanese Sekai Nippo and The Washington Times must cover the damages caused by the flooding in Japan, remind people 120 percent, 150 percent, 200 percent about the background and purpose of the Sunhak Peace Prize and properly testify about True Parents, the center of humanity. All blessed families, organizations and businesses must witness and testify about True Parents in unison with one Will. We must invest ourselves so that all governments can make and implement policies based on True Parents’ thought.