Hak Ja Han
September 17, 2015
Victory Celebration Special Assembly
Cheon Jeong Gung
Regarding the third anniversary of True Father's ascension, you may think that because you repented to Father for your shortcomings and for not having done better that you finished the anniversary event successfully inside and out. Isn't that right? However, that is not the end.
God's providence, which is working to save the fallen world has purpose. That is, establishing a nation. The standard of a nation! However, even though you know this from listening to True Parents, you did not fulfill your responsibilities before Father ascended. Within the six thousand years of God's providential history is a history of Heavenly Parent's grief and pain as he personally tended to the providence for four thousand years. From awakening individuals and families to separating them from the fallen world, he cultivated people until his providence reached the standard of a nation.
At the time when God sent his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, the Israelites should have united with Jesus, completed the national standard through which Heaven could reign, and attend Jesus as their king. Instead, the Israelites had to pay a frightening amount of indemnity for two thousand years as lonesome wanderers with no identity. Do you understand this? Therefore, through Christianity's twothousand- year providential culture, wouldn't this nation, where the Christ in his second coming, the True Parents, came, have responsibility? I wonder how much you are aware of the seriousness of this.
From now on, our providence, True Parents' providence is to search for a nation. With the world as the object, we should meet God with at least seven nations on a restored standard by 2020. Are you ready for this? Do not simply respond -- show results.
We have one goal. All our organizations should educate others about True Parents and guide them to develop into blessed families engrafted with new life through True Parents. In order to do that, we need to fulfill our responsibilities as tribal messiahs, which Father had requested us to do at his end. Many countries in Asia are developing at a surprising pace. How is Korea doing?
How many students are there at Sun Moon University? How many members are there among those ten thousand people? How are you going to tell students who are not members about True Parents before they graduate? You must work hard and bring results. The results are important.
"Going to Sunmoon University is an honor to one's family. It is an honor to the student. I was able to newly discover myself and learn the purpose for living big by going there. It is a most prestigious school." You should speak proudly in this way. Do you understand?
Next, how many members are working at the Il Hwa Corporation? You should speak to your employees and have them do a forty-day sanctification. Those who pass the forty-day sanctification should do the Three-day Ceremony. Only then will miracles happen. They will know that they have been born anew.
The work Regional President Yong is doing in Asia is exactly that. During the Three-Day Ceremony, you can see True Parents, one hundred percent. In this way, all the employees should be educated by reading from the Holy Scriptures of Cheon Il Guk.
The same holds true for other organizations, as it does for educating UPF Ambassadors for Peace. If they cannot pass this, they cannot come in True Parents' presence. They need go through engrafting. The world needs salvation, revival. Doesn't it? With what can we do this? It is not possible with just the word. We need to practice the word. Human beings, a true family, perfected spiritually and physically. What will happen if the people of the world come to know about this in detail? Even if we are in a situation where we cannot receive anymore, they will try to break through and come anyways.
Ladies and gentlemen, even the organizations should fulfill the responsibility of tribal messiahs to bless more than 430 couples by 2020. It should be made so that the hearts of the people, the citizens, follow. Isn't that true?
What do we have to be afraid of now? Be confident. Why can't you be proud? UPF, from now on you need to have them actually come to church. Those people need to receive education. You need to help them know that church is a place worthy of appreciation where their families have be saved. It does not matter how much worldly fame someone has; that is temporary. However, within True Parents' ideology, whatever results one had and what responsibilities one fulfilled, those are eternal. Those who have them can become true owners, become pioneers. That is the path to becoming filial children and loyal subjects of our Heavenly Parent.
We must focus all our attention on that. The church needs to grow in order to restore the nation. The growth of the church means that we need more families that are blessed. By doing this, ours can become a good nation, God's homeland. You must teach others about True Parents while awake or asleep. Only on that path can you, your family, your nation and the world live. Thus, we will hold an event lauding the birth of True Parents during the next Foundation Day. It should be prepared as an exceptional event that can show how extensively True Parents are present in each nation or region all over the world. Therefore, you must let them know about of True Parents.