Hak Ja Han
May 1, 2019
Special meeting of HJ Cheonwon leaders hosted by True Parents
Cheon Jeong Gung
A few days ago, I spent some time with my grandchildren. A granddaughter said she had a question for me. So, I told her to go ahead and ask it. She said, "I want to know what kind of being Heavenly Parent is."
At first, I couldn't tell her that Heavenly Parent is a loving God. Since the fall of the human ancestors, throughout the historical restoration through indemnity and the providence of salvation, the God revealed in the Bible was a fearsome, judgmental God. We see it so clearly when he destroys Sodom and Gomorrah and during the tribulation around Noah's Ark.
He made his creation to be eternal. The Earth is the only place where creatures can live. For the planet to live, volcanic explosions are necessary. However, because of the Fall, human beings became incompetent and ignorant. Even lower creatures protect themselves from upcoming tragedies, but human beings don't know how to.
What God desired
Despite humanity having fallen, God's dream was to be humanity's True Parent. Blessed couples here today, you too likely have children. Is love for children predetermined? Your love for them is unconditional. God wanted to become such a being. But human beings ruined that. Parents love their children. Parents worry about their children. They hope their children have a good future. Wouldn't Heavenly Parent feel the same? As such, Heavenly Parent, for six thousand years has been suffering, has been lonely because of us.
Until victorious human ancestors appeared… True Parents on earth! Until he could find True Parents, Heavenly Parent could not appear. Put simply, God was not happy. However, while driving the providence, after six thousand years, he found our True Parents.
Reception of the Saviors
Neither Christianity, the prepared religion, nor the democratic world created a supportive environment for True Parents. The sixtieth anniversary of the Holy Wedding is next year. When I think about the world's 7.6 billion people, I feel so sorry. While God found True Parents after six thousand years, he could not embrace and love his sons and daughters.
Due to our failure to receive the environment created with much arduous work for these long years, all efforts, all work, had to start again from the very bottom. True Parents, too, could not fulfill their filial duty toward Heavenly Parent. True Parents' appearance had to start from the national level.
Two thousand years ago, when God sent his only son Jesus Christ, if the people of Israel had received him, Jesus would have been in a True Parent's position on the national level. Unfortunately, once again, he could only show God his efforts, his historical arduous work. That's why he said he would come again to celebrate the marriage supper of the Lamb, but they did not understand that.
In Christianity's two-thousand year history, all Jesus' disciples were his bride. Nevertheless, they did not know God. They did not know God's providence. They did not understand Jesus properly. For that reason, Christianity today must find a way to break through and make a fresh start. They should have realized that they cannot continue with the same old habits.
Recognize blessings received
You are genuinely lucky. You are happy people. You've received everything for free. Four years ago, when I first said, "I am God's only daughter," you were half in doubt. When I said you must become one with me, you interpreted it in your own way. I explained all the metaphors and the symbols that appear in the Bible to you. Have you recovered your senses, yet?
Beloved Heavenly Parent! Until you can say, I accomplished everything… Our Heavenly Parent has worked so hard; shall we become filial sons and daughters that can make Heavenly Parent no longer cry but smile? God, Lord of creation! Our Heavenly Parent is love.
God created the environment so that the entire world can experience the mountains and natural scenery. Isn't that true? We don't have much time left until 2020. In this time, let's fully do our filial duty in relation to God. You must show the world. This country must be able to fulfill its responsibilities.
This nation must attend True Parents. Otherwise, the going will become more difficult. You people can clearly see that. Do you think it is possible for Korea to reunite through political power? Politicians should be aware that they are in fearful positions. Make them aware. UPF do you understand?
Leaders of the HJ Cheonwon Complex, you are central figures in making a heavenly unified Korea come sooner. You'll fulfill your responsibilities, won't you? Thank you very much.