Hak Ja Han
May 4, 2019
Special meeting for members of Subregion 1
Main Hall of the HJ Heaven and Earth Cheonbo Training Center
We must solve the mystery of the providence. What is Heavenly Parent's dream? God created all things in heaven and on earth in his image, from the mineral world to the animal world (as plus or minus). Finally, he created Adam and Eve, who were to become the first human ancestors; male and female he created them.
God gave human beings responsibilities. During their growth period, they had to grow to perfection while maintaining absolute oneness with God. This position, as humankind's ancestors, is one in which the Creator, God, could manifest as our Heavenly Parent. This was God's dream.
But what happened? Human beings did not accomplish their responsibilities. They failed. The fallen human race of today, 7.6 billion people, became a people without a relationship to God. So, is God joyful or tearful?
Humanity's fall created a tearful history for our Heavenly Parent. How difficult this must have been for God! God chose the Israelites. However, regarding the providence, if we look at biblical history, no country reached chosen status until its people had laid a national foundation. Thus, they could not stand at the center of the world. For God to prepare foundations from the individual level to the national level took four thousand long years.
Errors in Jesus' time
God sent Jesus Christ as his only son, who had indemnified everything. But what happened? From the standpoint of the principle of creation, if God sent his only son, an only daughter was necessary. Mary's family, Zacharias family, and the Jewish people (the Israelites), should have prepared the environment for that. If that had happened, Jesus would have received the blessing from Heavenly Parent and been in the position of a True Parent.
Seeing such a prepared environment, we know Rome was indeed the great Roman Empire. For a time, God allowed Rome to be the great Roman Empire. They said, "All roads lead to Rome." If Rome had accepted our True Parents, they would have established the kingdom of heaven on earth quickly. This was Heavenly Parent's dream, but human beings were unfilial.
So, Heavenly Parent could not be a joyful God, a joyful, glorious God, but is a parent crying tears of sadness. Since God created us to be eternal, through the two-thousand-year Christian foundation, God, without fail, would give birth to his only son and only daughter (in the flesh) that they might fulfill their responsibilities.
Those forming the Christian foundation, who knew God's providence, should have understood the essence of Jesus Christ, who came two thousand years ago. Today's Christianity, however, does not have a center. Jesus prophesied that he would come again. This wouldn't work with Christianity awaiting a Messiah returning on the clouds. Without True Parents' manifestation, fallen human beings cannot go to God, which is why even fallen human beings' original minds yearn for God, our parent.
Exercising faith in God
In May, we have Children's Day and Parents Day. Aren't those beautiful customs? Especially you, whom God has chosen, do you ever think of Heavenly Parent on Parents' Day? Some people are unaware of God's providence. We cannot keep thinking that human efforts can resolve the world's political, religious and all other issues. Human efforts alone cannot resolve them. This is the reality and the conclusion we can draw. Isn't that so?
From this point of view, especially in this beautiful, hopeful season, in May, (if in order to bring national restoration) region 1 educates people and gains a position from which they can give the blessing, will Heavenly Parent be happy or sad when he sees that?
The starting line
I told you that from the standpoint of God's providence we need to see the beginning point of the providence, which means forming a national-level foundation. Two thousand years ago, if Jesus had been in a True Parent's position on the national level, achieving unity in the world would have been easy. Now, finally, after two thousand years, God sent his only daughter, True Mother, to this nation and as a result the True Parents could appear.
Seven years ago, at the time of True Father's Seonghwa, we were not filial blessed families. Isn't that right? We had to hold the seonghwa ceremony on a national level in front of all the world's leaders. Not achieving that is partly our responsibility, but the elder blessed families failed in their family- level responsibility to create that environment. Right?
Anyway, I, God's only daughter, asked you to help me make Heavenly Parent's dream come true. Since under the current system we were not able to fulfill the promise we made to Heaven, visualizing this country like a continent, I divided Korea into five sub-regions. At the southernmost point is sub-region five, comprising the Gyeongsang Provinces; three others comprise the Jeolla Provinces, the Chungcheong Provinces and the Gyeongwon Provinces, respectively. Sub-region one however, had not been able to reach the national level. What do you think? Don't you have to do your absolute best? Please show us what you can do on May 17. So, I will rename sub-region one "the nation of Gyeong-in" [Seoul, Gyeonggi Province and Incheon]. Heaven will be with you in this contest.
Open a way forward
As you all know, at this point, this country has no future. All directions have been blocked, but thanks to you, because we are here, because the nation of Gyeong-in is here, we will be able to bring God hope, we will be able to bring victory. I repeatedly wish that the nation of Gyeong-in, sub-region one, can wipe our Heavenly Parent's tears away.
I will give you a reward on the condition that you are victorious on May 17. The next day, I will invite all district leaders to Cheon Jeong Gung, and through them, I will allow you to have a party in your churches. We can't be the only ones that are fine. Everyone should be happy. So let's be determined to make everyone in the area come to know us.